that makes a life worth living.
― Oliver Wendell Holmes
Enthusiasm spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.
― Norman Vincent Peale
Botanical illustration from late 1890s showing Bouvardia 'Alfred Neuner,' a flowering shrub with double, white flowers slightly tinged with rose. Encyclopaedia description also lists other varieties such as BRILLIANT, DAZZLER, HOGARTH, LONGIFLORA FLAMMEA, MAIDEN'S BLUSH, PRESIDENT GARFIELD, QUEEN OF ROSES, and VREELAND.
Bouvardia is a species that enjoys full sun and is attractive to hummingbirds. The genus is named in honor of Charles Bouvard (1572–1658), physician to Louis XIII, and superintendent of the Jardin du Roi in Paris. In the language of flowers, Bouvardia symbolize enthusiasm.
You can download this vintage botanical illustration as a free high-res 5" x 9" @ 300 ppi JPEG without a watermark here. Great for collage art, graphic design, papercrafts or scrapbooking projects.

From my personal collection of ephemera. These images are to be incorporated into your creative endeavors and not for resale or re-distribution "as-is". Please credit as your source when sharing or publishing.